Announcing The Alignment Center for Body & Mind

I trust this message finds you well as we make our way through the start of a new year and a new decade.

With that being said, there are some big changes coming for me and my massage practice.

For the past 20 years, I have had the honor & privilege of working alongside my father Steve Sugai along with my mother Amy & sister Joelle at Shiatsu Therapists of Hawaii.  

It has been an inspiring journey of facing many challenges, overcoming them, and triumphs as we grew together as a family and as individuals.  

It sometimes feels just like yesterday in my Junior year (around 1999) when I was pondering my college future, my mom told me, in response to considering attending college on the mainland, “If you go away, you’re on your own!”  

In the moment, there was a mixture of shock, disappointment, and sadness, however upon reflection, I realized that I wasn’t committed to leave the islands since I was uncertain about what I wanted to study and who I wanted to be.  Little did I know that those two questions are really big existential questions that take a lifetime to answer truly & thoroughly.  

However, out of that challenge from my mother and with the uncertainty in my mind about my future ahead, a clever plan emerged…  An exciting idea popped in my head. 

I thought, how about I stay in Hawaii to attend the University of Hawaii to figure out what I wanted to major in, possibly transferring later in my academic career, and at the same time, I would attend the Aisen Shiatsu School to get my Shiatsu massage training and get my massage license.  

I thought it was a brilliant plan, and it solved the problems of keeping my college tuition costs reasonable, earning the privilege of a great “part time job” that paid well hourly and I had control over my schedule, so that I could focus on what I wanted to study and who I wanted to be.  

I was influenced & inspired by my dad Steve, seeing his love for his work, being of service for his clients, and helping them breakthrough their pain, stress, and injuries.  I experienced the benefits of being on the receiving end of my dad’s massages for my aches and pains over the years.  I also had the opportunity to informally practice on my family and friends imitating what I observed of my dad and I knew that was going to be a more inspiring occupation than the typical part time jobs in retail or services that most young adults chose to be in… Could you imagine me being a server in a restaurant?  I know I couldn’t!   

Little did I know that the decision to pursue the Shiatsu massage training for a “part time job” of working as a massage therapist alongside my father would be the one of the most impactful choices I made in my life.  It was a choice and a decision that continues to unfold today that has become more than just a "part time job.”  It has become an inspiration for me being of service, doing what I love, and loving what I do.  

So that brings us to 2020, just over 20 years later from that fateful decision.  

With great honor, humility, & gratitude, I would love to announce that effective on February 18, 2020, I will be stepping out on my own & practicing out of my new office: 

The Alignment Center for Body & Mind

The new office has a new name & branding which reflects my evolution as a massage therapist which began by learning & mastering the physical and over the years branching out into learning about posture and alignment through myofascial release techniques.  From 2009 through this past decade I explored human behavior & the mysteries of the mind, brain, nervous system, and how it ties together through the mind body connection physically, psychologically, energetically, emotionally, & spiritually.  

I’m looking forward to being of service to you in the new office space which will have a renewed focus on bringing together everything I have learned and continuing to expand & grow by integrating new ideas, techniques, & innovations as we move forward together in healing our bodies, minds, hearts, & spirit.  

My parents Amy & Steve will continue to operate out of our Kalihi office for the next few months and transitioning to operating their practices out of their home in the Makiki area before the end of our lease in early October.  

My sister Joelle is expecting her 2nd son in May and she will continue to work out of the Kalihi office until she gives birth.  Joelle will be joining me at the Liliha office sometime around August-September after her maternity leave.  

It’s been a wonderful honor & privilege to have had the opportunity to work alongside my parents for the past 20 years.  They have prepared me well and I’m forever grateful for their support.  

I also would love to share my gratitude for you in being my client and for being a supportive patron over the years by choosing me to be your therapist.  You have provided me opportunity to grow and serve as your therapist in your healing journey.  I promise to continue growing and working tirelessly empower myself to provide you with more breakthroughs and transformative results in the years to come.  

Stay tuned for more updates which will include newsletters filled with insights, workshop events, & video content.  I am envisioning new & exciting experiences made possible with the new space and I’m looking forward to manifesting them for you.  

I look forward to seeing you at the new office sometime soon!  Here’s to the next 20 years together!