The Renovation Transformation of Suite 202 into The Alignment Center for Body and Mind so far…

Here are photos of the renovation transformation on Day 1 on February 3, 2020. This is where my carpenter Evan, tore out the old carpet and knocked out the old walls. I learned from my neighbor next door in Suite 201, Dr. Garza, who has been at Liliha for 25 years, that Suite 202 had been unoccupied by a tenant for around 15 years.

When I first saw the suite, it was being used as storage by Liliha Bakery, who owns the property and also has an office next door. Here are some photos of what it looked like when I first saw it. The commercial real estate agent Mark, was relieved that I had a vision and was able to see past the stuff in storage.

Here are photos from Day 2 on February 4, 2020 where the framing of the new walls to enclose my office have been put up.

The next few days were spent on patching up the drywall and sanding it down which created a lot of dust!

We painted the walls and began installing the floors.

Up next is finishing the floors, installing floorboards, & cleaning up a few more items on the list before the expected completion date of Friday, February 14, 2020… Valentine’s Day!