Free Customer Parking at the Kuakini-Liliha Professional Building & Liliha Bakery

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  • There are 47 customer parking spaces on the property.

  • You may park in the UNMARKED spaces.

  • The “RESERVED” spaces are Tenant spaces. Please Do NOT Park in “RESERVED” spaces.

  • The entrance from Liliha St. has 4 parking stalls in the front.

  • More parking is located on the Liliha Bakery side (Kuakini St. & Aipako St.) of the property.


You may also enter the property from Kuakini St. and park in the customer stalls in front of Liliha Bakery. Beware their famous Cream Puffs! 😉


There are also more customer stalls in the back of the property accessible via Aipaako St or driving over from the Liliha St. side of the property.


The entrance to our office (Suite 202) is on the 2nd floor directly in front of the stairs facing Liliha St. as you reach the 2nd floor.

Enter through the glass door and enter Suite 202 through the first door directly in front of the glass door.